A daily journal of our family's crazy hijinks and how this mama of 4 tries to survive them!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sweet Reminiscing....

Yesterday, some dear friends of ours welcomed their first child into the world. A baby boy, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces, is now the light of their lives. This is exactly what Tyler weighed when he was born, and of course I started thinking back to when he was first placed in my arms. Sometimes it seems so long ago and sometimes like it was yesterday. Where have the last (almost) 14 years gone?
He has grown up obviously, but some things are still the same. He still has a certain smell. It's not a blend of Dreft and that sweet baby's breath that reminds you of sugar cookies anymore, now it's a more manly smell like too much body spray and a hint of dirty socks. He still has those ice blue eyes that have always melted my heart and will eventually melt others I'm sure. He still loves Jesus, although somewhere along the way he learned to pronounce his J's and doesn't call him Wesus anymore. He's more cool now but this hasn't stopped him from hugging me or telling me he loves me yet. I hope it doesn't. And every once in a while, when no one else is around, he'll snuggle up with me and twirl my hair like he used to as a toddler. Yes, my baby boy, my firstborn, is growing into a man. This is happening faster than I would like, but seeing him mature is also a wonderful thing. And someday, God willing, a child will be placed in his arms, and his breath will be taken away by the overwhelming love he feels for that precious bundle that will someday outgrow him.

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