A daily journal of our family's crazy hijinks and how this mama of 4 tries to survive them!

Friday, June 29, 2007

5 Questions....

Shannon over at Rocks in My Dryer has a fun meme going, so I thought I'd play along!

1. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
I would have to say Peanut Butter...it's nutritious and comes in two varieties, Creamy and Crunchy. Although if I knew how long the rest of my life was actually going to be I might choose something else =)

2. What's the most nerve-racking "'close call" you've ever had?
At the risk of being labeled a bad parent, I would have to say almost leaving Katy at a restaurant while we were on vacation. I know, I know, awful isn't it? She recovered fine, but it still haunts me and I do a much more thorough head count now!

3. Name the five features your ultimate dream house would have.
1. a HUGE front porch 2. A fully loaded kitchen 3. At least 100 acres 4. Chickens 5. A padded room for me to escape to!

4. Who has been the most influential non-relative in your life?
This is a tough one! Most of my influences have been family, but I guess I would have to say my friend Allyson. She has always been there to give it to me straight, or help pick up the pieces when I've been crooked.

5. What one non-physical feature would you most like to change about yourself?
I would have to say my sometimes pessimistic attitude. I tend to be negative, but I want to be positive!

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