A daily journal of our family's crazy hijinks and how this mama of 4 tries to survive them!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

K K K Katy, Beautiful Katy....

Today is Katy's 11th birthday! And thus begins the August birthday bazaar at our house!
It does not seem possible for her to be 11 already. Sometimes it feels like they just handed her to me and othertimes it feels like she's been here forever! Katy has brought so much spice into our lives. She is "super fun funky fresh" as I like to tell her! I remember when they did hand her to me and we immediately dubbed her "Katy Bug". She was so tiny with giant eyeballs and the nickname just seemed to fit! My sister thought she needed a little help getting started, so in her Sunday School class she asked for prayer that Katy's bottom would grow. One day she will probably be blamed for Katy's figure problems! Her size didn't stop her from getting what she wanted.... that's for sure! That girl has her some powerful lungs even to this day!
I can't imagine what our lives would be like without Katy! She has so much personality and spunk and brings us so much joy!

K is for Kingdom (the one we figure she will be running one day)
A is for Accepting (she is always accepting of others, regardless of their differences)
T is for Terrific (I totally think she is)
Y is for Youthful (something I hope she always stays)

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! I love you!....

leave a comment wishing Katy a happy b-day...she would love it........


Anonymous said...

That's so sweet I LOVED IT.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know I saw you at lunch today, but Happy Birthday again! Hope you had a great day! LOVE YOU!

Smockity Frocks said...

Happy birthday! We have a Katie Bug, too! (Ours is 3.)