A daily journal of our family's crazy hijinks and how this mama of 4 tries to survive them!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Why Yes, She is a Blonde!....

Today, for no apparent reason, Katy decided to ask her daddy a most profound question. "How do blind people drive?" I will spare you the smart alecky answer her father gave her, as it might be offensive to people who are sight challenged. Let's just say she has a few challenges of her own mainly being oblivious to the obvious!


The Nester said...

Ohh, please tell us all the details! I bet all those sight challenged people can't read this small print anyhow!

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

Driving down the road one day one of the reflectors that line the center flew up and hit my windshield...

My passenger, a 23 year old, deaf blind teacher said, "I hate those things, but they are needed I guess."

"How else would we see the lines at night?", I asked.

"Thats not what those are for!", came the shocked reply, followed by slow steady recognition creeping over her features.

After some prying she finally told me how her father had given her another reason for them, and she had always just accepted it until that moment.

She thought they were so blind people can drive, her dad called it road brail.

And my amusement continues still this day... =)