A daily journal of our family's crazy hijinks and how this mama of 4 tries to survive them!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Any Way You Slice Me....

It is no secret that I have wanted to shed a few pounds over the past couple of months. The good news is I have succeeded and am now back down to my mother of four, supermodelesque like figure. Ahem. That's right, it's amazing what a little activity and celery will do for the physique (not to mention the occasional piece of dark chocolate)!
Why am I sharing this you might ask....
Well, it's because of the amazing encouragement I received from my now eight year old daughter today. The scene was something like this....
I was sitting on the couch pulling my pants out from my waist and commenting that they were too big. "I could fit two of me in here", I said humorously to myself and the darling child sitting next to me. "Two of you?", she asked. "Well, maybe me plus an eighth of me" I said. Then very seriously she replied, "Wow, that would be a lot to carry". OH -YES- SHE -DID!
I don't know what she thinks an eighth is. The little rug rat hasn't even learned fractions yet! I mean how much could an eighth of me possibly be? A finger, a toe, ok maybe ten fingers and ten toes? Regardless....I think I could fit that much in my pants! That's the last time I announce to a small child, who looks like a zipper if she turns sideways and sticks out her tongue, how skinny I am!!

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