Thursday was Brian and my sixteenth anniversary. Sometimes it's hard to believe we've been married that long and other times....not so hard.
So for our anniversary we celebrated with our favorite friends. You might remember my fake twin sister Amy? Well she and her husband Derek share an anniversary with us! Can you believe it? Totally cool!
Anyway, the four of us went to our favorite wing hang out (Wild Wing Cafe) and gobbled down a few unsuspecting chickens. It was a blast!
Here's the funny part. Derek was scheduled to have surgery the next day so they weren't even supposed to be at dinner. Guess what happened while we were there?
Derek won a cruise!!!!!!! Unbelievable!
So not only did we have a wonderful time, but they got a cruise out of the deal!
Man I love those wings!!
Happy Anniversary. It was good to see Brian. Was beginning to wander if he was still really around!
Love to all, Gail & Jer
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, this photo!!...oh yeah, and you too ;o).......A
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