My children are very resourceful however, and were able to come up with the perfect animal project for the suburban family. Rabbits. You know, those sweet little cuddly balls of fluff that are just so cute? Yes rabbits. I agreed that this was the perfect plan (envisioning dwarf bunnies). So the kids began researching types of rabbits and their care. They finally decided on a breed.
Did you get the GIANT part of that? These rabbits will grow to be larger than my dog. They can reach 28 know, just a little lighter than me. They require a large cage of course, that will have to be built. They also require more food and more cleanup. This information has not deterred the rabbit olympic hopefuls. They are going for the gold in this rabbit project.

Incidentally, I have no idea who the guy in the picture is, but he obviously runs some kind of Flemish Giant Army. Do you see the size of that thing? Are you feeling my pain?...
As we have looked at picture after picture of the very large specimens, I have been pondering some things in my heart. Kind of like when Mary was pregnant with Jesus, but not. Anyhoo...
First, do giant rabbits like people for dinner? If these rabbits are almost the size of me, will they see me as a tasty snack?
Second, isn't the word rabbit awfully close to rabid? Hmmm....
And lastly, this is where you come in my dear internets, what do you name a GIANT rabbit? Cottontail and Freckles don't really seem appropriate. Killer and Demon would seem more fitting.
All this to say, we want some help naming our FLEMISH GIANTS. So leave me a comment and give us your suggestions! Some names we've considered are SUR short for Sport Utility Rabbit, GOLIATH which just implies LARGE, and PEE WEE cause it's funny.
We will be getting these precious pets within the next few weeks, and want to be prepared. So enlighten us with your knowledge, blow us away with your creativity, give us a rabbit name by golly!
And if you never hear from me will find the leftovers in the hutch......
that is just too know they wouldn't pick little ones..c'mon!
I like SUR...will let you know if I have any rabbit name epiphanies.
Buddha, Behe (short for Behemoth),Hercules,Gargan(short for gargantuan), Titan, Bunyan (like big Paul Bunyan...and it sort of has the word Bunny.... Bunyan....oh nevermind) Immy (as in immense) M & M(mighty monster), Levi (short for Levaithan)....Okay I'm done
I know they are mostly male sounding but hey, I tried at least
later gal, A
Haha! I never heard the story behind the rabbit!
But you couldn't have picked a better name than ROUS!
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