Meanwhile, two sweet little dogs were wandering the family's neighborhood. They were uncollared, unidentified and seemed to be unwanted. Of course they made their way to the home of the dog-loving family. The children fell instantly in love with these two little pups. The mother was concerned because she knew they belonged to someone else.
Day after day the two would show up on the family's doorstep longing for attention. The family played with them, watered them and some members even snuck them food. The children
begged to keep them, but the very sensible mother kept saying "I'm sorry, but they don't belong to us".
After several days of loving on these two pitiful creatures, the family decided that the time was right to get their own dog. They had chosen to adopt one from the shelter. Everyone was excited and wanted to go right away, but this particular day was a busy one with lots of errands to run and things to do. They would not be home that day. The shelter would have to wait until tomorrow. So the errands were run and the things were done and the conversation was mostly about their sweet little stray buddies.
The next morning the mother and children piled into the car and went to the animal shelter. This particular shelter had two adoption rooms. One for dogs that were ready to go that day, and one for dogs that had been picked up as strays and were waiting for a wayward owner to claim them. The family walked through the first room, looking at each eager face. Their fingers were licked and their ears were ringing from all of the barking. They entered the second room, wondering what wonderful friends could be awaiting them. The mother was bombarded by "I want this one, oh mommy how bout this one!", but remember, she was sensible and looked carefully at each prospect. They were approaching the end of the kennels when the children suddenly became uncontainably excited. There, in the second to last run were their neighborhood friends. The mother couldn't believe it and the children were bursting with joy. How could this be? The sensible mother spoke to the lady that was taking care of the dogs and told her the story of these two babies. The lady was touched by the story and wished she could let the family take them right away. Unfortunately, they had been brought in to the shelter the day before (when the family wasn't home) and therefore would have to stay for five days in case their owner wanted them back.
The family accepted this, knowing in their hearts that these were to be their dogs. The children were anxious to share the news with their father. He, also being very sensible, was not sure that two dogs would be appropriate for the family. It would be extra to take care of and extra expense, but the mother and children just knew that these dogs were meant for them. The father, also being very loving, decided to go along with the other family members and allow them to pursue the adoption of both dogs.
The big question now was would their owner come and claim them? The wait was near unbearable. Every day was spent wondering. The mother called the shelter on the third day, and they were still there. Two days to go. The fourth day came and the mother called again. The sweet lady was excited to tell her that the dogs were still there. She told the mother that they could come to the shelter the next morning and take them home.
The family was feverish with excitement. They went to the store and purchased supplies, they argued about names, and they talked continuously about what life would be like with their new friends. The children went to bed that night excited. In their prayers they asked God to protect their new buddies until they could get there to rescue them. The house was heavy with anticipation.
The next day finally arrived. The family was up early making sure everything was ready and in order before going to get their new friends. The sensible mother gave the children a long talking to about how to behave at the shelter and how to act once the dogs arrived home. Really they knew nothing about these dogs except that they were friendly. The mother had many questions running through her mind. Would they behave in the house? Were they housebroken? Would this turn out to be a disaster?
The drive to the shelter seemed to take extra time, and everyone was very anxious. The children rushed in and begged to see their dogs while the sensible mother filled out the paperwork. The shelter workers were delighted that the story had a happy ending, they have so many that aren't. The beaming children carried their new charges to the car and sat patiently while the mother drove home. The precious cargo was brought into the house, given baths, new collars and leashes and of course chew toys. The family spent the day loving on them and getting to know them. It couldn't have been a better ending to their long and twisted "tail".
And for those of you who have your doubts as to whether this story is true or just some elaborate fairy tale, I'd like to introduce you to MILO and ROCKY....

The sweetest little rescues ever!
Cute dogs! Rocky is short for Rocky Top, right? :)I saw your comment on Fiddledeedee, I'm in Knoxville now but went to the Fl Homeschool Convention when we lived there for a couple of years. We're back in K town but not homeschooling anymore. Skimmed your posts... loved the line, "Meanwhile on Planet Hormone.." I live there, totally. Magnet on my fridge says, "Next Mood Swing: 5 minutes." (My girls are 16 and 13, my boys are 12 and 6.)I'll be visiting!
Nice to internet meet you Liz! It sounds like we have lots in common! =)
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