This room has been my second biggest frustration for the past 6 months. When we started it was supposed to take 1 month, then Brian's work schedule changed (my first biggest frustration) and we are still working on it with no end in sight. However, even through the frustration I can see it's potential beauty.

For example, the paint color is so yummy it makes me want to lick the walls. We have already picked out the new carpet. But more important than the superficial beauty, I can picture the beauty of family memories that will take place in this room. Parties, holidays, and game nights will eventually warm it's barren atmosphere. I get excited just thinking about it.
Now if I could just get the boys to take the body target out of the window!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is beautiful! I love to see work in progress! I loved when we had our porch built at our old house, all of the mess and big trucks and sounds and the big box out front with the permit. They were all signs of improvement!
It usually gets worse before it gets better!
It will happen one day. In the mean time, let the boys enjoy the room.
Just keep saying... it will be done, it will be done... Trust me, it works... Susie H
We have an area like that in our basement. I getting more brave as I go along, next week might be a doozie. LOL!
It is beautiful and will be even better!
This is the hardest part of the project but it will get done...eventually! Keep your sense of humor :)
The kids probably love the room just like it is. Can they still have target practice when it's done? Love it = Nancy
I love the name of your blog. That is hilarious!
My inlaws were remodeling throughout my dh's whole childhood. It meant there was always a room he could play in.Their house is a real showcase now. My dh tells me about how he could run amuck in those rooms, but I don't believe him. Someday, your future dil won't believe that this room was ever unfinished either!
BTW, my inlaws sold the house recently to start all over with the decorating/remodeling at age 70!
A work in progress is always beautiful in my opinion. Are you sure you don't want to keep the body target as like the focus piece for the room or something? Too funny!
Home improvement projects are wonderful opportunities for children to learn important life lessons! And something we've always done is find a way to leave hidden messages to our son, an example would be behind the washer and dryer where we didn't bother painting the wall, my husband wrote a note with the date to our son in carpenter's pencil...One day when we're no longer here we're hoping he'll come across one of the many messages left for him and it will put a smile on his face knowing we were thinking of him in all our many home improvement projects.
OH I can just imagine the beautiful room that will emerge. You must let me know when it is finished.
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