We have a Golden Retriever that we affectionately call "Ginger". She is a big overstuffed heap of lovin' and we adore her. However, Ginger does have one teeny tiny fault....ok super huge fault (I was trying to be nice). She has allergies. Yes folks you read that correctly, a dog with allergies! Every summer like clockwork her hair starts falling out and she gets all red skinned and itchy. This makes her look like some mangy lab experiment gone wrong! It is truly pitiful to watch. The cure for this of course is a very hefty vet bill involving steroid shots ( just call her Arnold) antibiotics and fancy shmancy medicated shampoo that smells like rotten eggs! Well this year I beat the issue to the punch! At the first sign of impending baldness I had her shaved and brought her inside! Genius I tell you! So now instead of the bad lab experiment she looks like a lion that had a scary run-in with a demon possessed barber! At least now there is nothing for the allergy to "attack" and hopefully we won't have to wash her with bad smelling farm products! It's times like these when I just have to ask it.........Why me?
Ok, the dog is way fuuny. And only strengthens my stance of no pets with fur (we do have 2 snakes, 2 turtles, and many fish). And the books to avoid, hilarious!!!!
Snakes! Girl you win the cool mom of the year award! Josh would be thrilled if I let him have a snake....my mom would probably call DCS on me though! =)
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